
Why is 英国威廉希尔中文网站 implementing a tobacco-free policy?

The University is going tobacco-free in the interest of ensuring a safe and healthy working and learning environment for students, 员工, 和客人. Research findings show that the use of tobacco products constitutes a significant health hazard. According to national data collected from the Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, 近1,050 college or university campuses in the US have already adopted 100 percent tobacco-free campus policies as of May 1, 2015.

What are the elements of the campus tobacco-free policy?
  • The use of all tobacco products and electronic smoking devices is prohibited at school sanctioned and/or sponsored activities or functions on campus. The use of these products and devices is also prohibited in all University buildings, 住宅建筑, 经批准的大学宿舍, 租赁物业, 理由, 体育设施, 停车场, 大学拥有或租用的车辆, and privately owned vehicles on University 理由.
  • Tobacco use on University property is not permitted for educational or theatrical purposes.
  • 出售, 市场营销, and sampling of commercial tobacco products and any and all electronic nicotine delivery systems, 比如电子烟, 禁止在所有大学大楼内使用, 设施, 和理由.
  • Littering the campus with remains of tobacco products is prohibited.

The policy will be effective August 1, 2015. For the complete copy of the Tobacco-Free Policy, click on this PDF文档.


It applies to everyone who comes to campus. All students, faculty, 工作人员, vendors, and visitors must abide by this policy.

Can I use any tobacco products or e-cigarettes anywhere on 英国威廉希尔中文网站 campus?

No. This policy applies to all buildings 和理由 on the campus. Tobacco-use and e-cigarette use 禁止在所有大学大楼内使用, 住宅建筑, 经批准的大学宿舍, 租赁物业, 理由, 体育设施, 停车场, 大学拥有或租用的车辆, and privately owned vehicles on University 理由.

Does this policy apply to city owned streets, 人行道上, or right-of-ways?

No. The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 has no jurisdiction over the use of city owned streets, 人行道上, 和通行权. 然而, 我们鼓励学生, 工作人员, 和客人 to be considerate of our neighbors immediately adjacent to campus.


No. The use of smokeless tobacco including chew, dip, or other forms are prohibited on campus.

Is tobacco use or the use of e-cigarettes allowed in student housing?

No. Tobacco use or the use of e-cigarettes will not be allowed in any University residence hall, 村庄性质, 或者希腊住房, as well as any adjacent 理由 or parking areas.

Can visitors use tobacco products or e-cigarettes on our campus?

No. 访问ors may not use tobacco products or e-cigarettes on University property.

How will people know that 英国威廉希尔中文网站 is a 无烟校园?

Signage indicating that the University is a tobacco-free campus will be posted in all building entrances and exits, 在停车区内, 在校园的关键地点.


The success of this policy relies on the thoughtfulness, 考虑, 以及吸烟者和非吸烟者的合作. All members of the University community share responsibility for adhering to and enforcing the policy and for bringing it to the attention of visitors. 看到我们的 社区的方法 浏览更多信息.

社区 members who do not feel comfortable approaching someone violating the policy should contact the administrator in charge of the nearest building or a security officer. This should also be done in the case of non-compliance.

社区 members who wish to report abuse of this policy in an online format or in a confidential, 匿名的方式可以 报告关注事项.

What is the jurisdiction for dealing with violations of this policy?
  • Faculty – Violations are handled through the appropriate supervisor, 教务处, 和/或人力资源办公室.
  • Staff – Violations are handled through the appropriate supervisor, 部门主管, 和/或人力资源办公室.
  • Students – Violations are referred to the Office of the Dean of Students. Violations within residential student housing are handled through the Office of 居住生活.
  • Vendors and tenants – Violations are handled through the corresponding liaison office.
  • 访问ors – Violations related to visitors are handled through the sponsoring office or organization.
What should managers and supervisors do if an employee violates the policy?

When violations of this campus policy occur, the appropriate supervisor or office will address the situation as part of the progressive discipline process. For assistance and suggestions on addressing violations, supervisors should refer to 给主管的谈话技巧.

Do I have to quit using tobacco products or e-cigarettes?

学校不能强迫你退学, 但如果你想辞职, a number of resources are available to help you. 这些位于我们的 资源页面.